Andy is the Founder/CEO of UK Helisales Ltd /UK Aviation Sales Ltd. An influential, hugely respected ex-International Sportsmen, Andy has vast experience and a sustained record of success in Sport which naturally progressed into the world of aviation.
Throughout his childhood in New Zealand, Andy developed his love of Helicopters whilst watching the day to day antics of the New Zealand Rotary pilot. A qualified Rotary pilot since 2001 with multiple type ratings, and vast experience of rotary types, Andy is also an expert on corporate and commercial Turboprops and Jets with over 18 years experience dealing with various majors within both the rotary and fixed-wing aviation industry.
With the importation of a number of aircraft from Asia to the UK for a UK based client that needed a full interior refurbished, Andy recognized the growing need for quality, affordable aircraft interiors and subsequently set up UK Aircraft Interiors.
Whatever your company or individual aviation needs, whether large or small, Andy can source through a network of channels that over the years have proven to be highly professional and very trustworthy.
Call: +44 7836 251391